New Release + Review: Hard Fall by Sara Ney

Release Date: August 18

"Hard Fall"
That's what my mom is always saying: "The bigger you are, the harder you fall." She's talking about love—I've never been in it myself, but that doesn't stop me from secretly matchmaking for my friends. Who would suspect me, a world class athlete, of meddling in other people's love lives? I love Love, especially when it’s not me who’s doing the falling…

"No Thanks."
That's what Hollis Westbrooke said when I asked her on a date. Well, propositioned her, actually—but it was all a big joke; one she doesn't think is funny. My stomach is in knots since I might actually like this girl so the joke is on me. Hollis’s father is my boss—and she doesn't date players.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall—especially when biggest player is me.

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My  5 Star Review:

I fell so hard for Trace “Buzz” Wallace. He’s a quirky, hilarious, fun loving sweetheart. Yes, he can be a bit ridiculous at times, but he’s never mean. When we first saw him in Hard Pass, I thought he was a conceited, annoying douche bad that I’d never like. Oh how wrong I was. Mr. Matchmaker is what he is. He’s a family first kind of guy that’s a borderline Mama’s boy. But that’s what I love about him. He has a kind heart.

Hollis is the daughter of the general manager for the Chicago Steam, who Buzz happens to play for. While it wasn’t love at first sight, these two make falling in love so fun. Hollis isn’t some prissy, spoiled brat just because she was born in to money. She’s actually the opposite. She’s hardworking and sweet. Her and Buzz together make for some amazingly funny conversations. 

These two are really a match made in heaven. They balance each other out perfectly. Loved this book and hope we get to see more of them in the next book of the series.


Meet Sara Ney

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. 

Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced lattes, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British. 

Connect with Sara Ney

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