Review: Corrupt by Jessica Prince

To get ready for Jessica Prince’s upcoming release of Defile, I’ve read Corrupt. OMG!! I’m completely in love with this series. I’ve read Jessica’s Girl Talk series, which I loved! But this was different. Still amazing though!

I feel like I’ve been living under a rock!! Where has this book been? Why haven’t I read this sooner?! I LOVED it!! Corrupt was sooo good!! I could not put it down!! 

I immediately liked really liked him. Then, just like Gwen, I wanted to punch him in the junk. But I always hoped I’d get a glimpse of the guy I initially met.

Gwen was great! Just because of who Garrett is, she didn’t automatically bow at his feet. Later in the story, some of her thoughts of just not being good enough, although valid at first, became kind of annoying. But I loved her anyway. 

I’m a sucker for side characters. I love when I become interested in everyone in the story!! I loved Corrine and Ian, just loved them!  I’m so excited to read everyone else’s story too.

Civil Corruption just became my favorite band! Everything about this story was perfect! Jessica’s writing flows so great, nothing felt repetitive. I’ve read so many rock star books before, but this one felt original, unique and my favorite rocker book!!

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