A Light in the Wound


Affected by her parents’ highly publicized divorce, Isabel grows up isolated and alone, with a resolve to never fall in love and repeat their mistakes. 

When Jesse Cain enters her life, she falls hopelessly in love with him, and every sadness she’s ever felt is washed away by his intensity and passion. But people change as they grow up. Things can never stay the same forever. 

Jesse and Isabel fight to stay together, determined to hold on to what they once had. Isabel wonders if a second love can ever be enough to make her forget her first.

So... I've been a little lazy and haven't posted anything all week... But I'm back with a new Throwback Thursday book. This week it's A Light In the Wound by the wonderful Christine Brae. 

This book was released on July of 2013 and I read it Novemberish of the same year. 

First, let me say that this book had me hooked at from the Prologue. There is just something about Christine Brae's writing that will just make you feel, so much. It takes weeks for me heart to heal after I read one of her books. 

I felt bad for Isabel, and the childhood she had. She has sisters but didn't really grow up with them because of her parents divorce, so she was lonely. When she met Jesse Cain, it was like she just just desperate for someone to love her and to be wanted. 

Initially, I like Jesse. He seemed to love Isabel. But he was just so intense, ambitious and possessive. As the story progressed, so did these traits. Too much so. I hated Isabel with him. They are together for a very long time, but eventually she has enough and they break up.

During her relationship with Jesse she does find a few friends of her own. One of these friendships is with blond hair, blue eyed Alex Ailey. Her friendship with Alex is purely platonic the enitre time she's with Jesse. However, one they break up, all bets are off and Alex professes his love for her. 

Let me just say, I am 100% team Alex. I was completely in love with him. He loved Isabel from afar for so long and his love was so pure. Isabel loves Alex, but doesn't know if it's enough to erase her feelings for Jesse, especially when Jesse decides he's going to fight for Isabel's love.

There was so much love and angst in this book, it was a bit overwhelming at times, but in a good way. You will feel so much, your heart will never be the same once you read it. One thing that I loved, is that there is amazing quote in the beginning of each chapter. 

This is no doubt one of my absolutely favorite books I've ever read. While it broke my heart, it put it back together again. There is also a sequel to it, His Wounded Light, which I actually loved even more. Just remember to have your tissues handy when you read it!! 


Oh. My. Sharona.

I've just finished Pucked by Helena Hunting and let me tell you. This book was amazing! I completely fell in love with it. I love romance books that are loaded with humor, and this one was overloaded with it! 

So, Violet Hall lives in the pool house on her mom and stepfather's property. Her stepbrother is Buck Butterson, a pro hockey player. Buck's been recently traded to her city of Chicago, to the Hawks. During an after game dinner, Violet meets Alex Waters, the gorgeous captain of the Hawks. And thus, their crazy, hilarious love story begins.

I can't believe it's taken me so long to read Pucked. Violet is a crazy, hot mess. She has absolutely no filter, but as the ridiculous and sometimes crude comments fly out of her mouth, she's usually mortified. This causes her to because even more inappropriate. With the constant reference to her beaver and the MC, I don't find it annoying or immature at all. Maybe it's just because I'm a little crazy and immature. I found myself constantly laughing and her inappropriate comments.

And Alex. I love his sexy, awkwardness. He's great and powerful on and off the ice. But has the whole sexy, player reputation that Violet is understandably  wary of. He has to prove himself, possibly a little too much, to Violet and prove his intentions are true and that he's not the manwhore player the media makes him out to be. 

Now, can I just say I loved Violet's mother Skye? She is a hoot and it's clear that Violet gets her craziness from her. Robbie , Alex's dad, is also something else. This book gave me lots of laughs and such and enjoyable story. 

I absolutely recommend this book to anyone with a sense of humor. It definitely got 5⭐️ from me. Pucked is told in first person dual POV, which are my favorite. It also sets up the story for the second standalone in the series, Pucked Up, featuring Buck and Alex's sister Sunny. 

Throwback Thursday

Everywhere you look it's #tbt or Throwback Thursday. So, what I've decided is that every Thursday, I'll be sharing a book I've read in the past. It'll be my #tbt. This week I've decided to share one of my favorites. 

Slammed by Colleen Hoover. This was actually my first book by this wonderful author. 

I recently did a re-read of Slammed. I read it about once a year since its been released. 

Layken Cohen, or Lake as she is called by her family, moved from Texas to Michigan with her mother and younger brother Kel after the unexpected death of  her father. Minutes after she arrives, she meets Will Cooper, who lives across the street. Kel has already made fast friends with Will's younger brother. Fast forward 3 days and brief encounters with Will, Lake finds herself on a mind blowing first date with him.

I loved this book. Will has an honest quality about him. You really can't help but love him. He loves his brother and quickly becomes a fixture within the Cohen household, but just not how Lake would like. A few days after their first date  , they realize they just can't be together no matter how bad they want to. 

One of my favorite characters is Lake's new best friend from school, Eddie. Eddie's life hasn't always been the best, but she always is grateful for everything g she has. Her boyfriend Gavin and her made such a sweet couple. 

I love how this boo made me cry at some of the most unexpected times. Eddie's birthday party just about did me in. As I read it each year, I've learned in affected by different parts emotional each time.

Slammed introduced me to 2 things. Slam poetry and the Avett Brothers. Slammed poetry plays a big part of the book. It's one of Will's passions. The Avert Brothers are an amazing Folk Rock band. Each chapter begins with a quote from them, so of course I had to listen to a few songs. When I did, I fell in love with their sound. 

Well, there you go. My first Throwback recommendation. Slammed is one of my all time favorites. So hopefully if you haven't read it, you'll give it a try. 


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Linda ❤️

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