Blog Tour: Rifts and Refrains by Devney Perry

Rifts and Refrains by Devney Perry is now live! 

From the moment Quinn Montgomery sat behind her first snare and cymbal set, she was destined for fame and glory. As Hush Note's infamous female drummer, she sets the rhythm for the band's chart-toppings hits. When people tap their feet to their music, it's to her pulse.
Quinn is content to live in a world away from her family and the cage of her youth. Her only regret is leaving Graham Hayes behind without a goodbye. No matter how many sold-out stadiums she plays, no matter how many crowds sing her songs, his voice haunts her when the music stops.
When a family tragedy forces her to return home to Montana, she plans to leave the second she's paid her respects. But seeing Graham again turns her life upside down. As a boy, he wasn't able to make her stay. As a man, he might be her future.
If they can mend their rifts and find solace in the refrains.

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My Review:

Absolutely amazing!! Devney Perry has the power to complete suck me into the world she has created. Rift and Refrains is a beautifully written book about firsts loves and second chances. 

Quinn goes home to Montana after 9 years of staying away. We learn that her departure wasn’t a loved filled farewell..and that she left the boy she loved behind. Her homecoming isn’t under the best circumstances either, her beloved grandmother Nan passed away, who was basically the only one Quinn kept in touch with constantly. 

Her reunion with her first love Graham is everything she thought it would be, awkward and uncomfortable. Graham is the sexy single father that can’t help the content pull to Quinn. I loved the tension and all the feels this book gave me. They may have had young love, but there is not reason why it wasn’t real.

I feel like I say this about every new book, but this one may be my new favorite from Devney. It’s definitely in my top 3 favorite books I’ve read this year. The Quinn we met in the first book of Hush Note has redeemed herself in my eyes. I loved her and Graham. And Colin was a little scene stealer, so adorable!


She took one step before stopping. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, the same corner I’d kissed earlier, and I fought the urge to stand and capture that mouth again. Her smile broadened, though there was pain in her eyes.

 “Colin is a cool kid. You’re a good dad, Graham. I always knew you would be.”

She might as well have stabbed me in the chest.

“Thanks,” I said, watching as she walked away.

Fuck me.

When had I never loved that woman?

Maybe that kiss had woken me up. Maybe it had made me realize how goddamn lonely I’d been without her. I had Colin, but there was a corner of my heart that would always belong to Quinn.

 I should have followed her nine years ago.

Because now it was too late.

Meet Devney 

Devney is a USA Today bestselling author who lives in Washington with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her family. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she's discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop.

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