New Release + Review: The Breaking Season by K.A.Linde

Release Date: July 21

A sexy arranged marriage romance from USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde…

I signed on the dotted line. A marriage contract to seal my union with the devil.

I thought I knew what I was doing. His money and name were mine for the taking. But Camden Percy always gets exactly what he wants. And what he wants is me—my body, my obedience, my surrender.

He wants to break me.

But I’m Katherine Van Pelt. I’ll never break. I’ll never beg. I’ll never give in.

Except I promised him one more thing—a baby. A Percy heir.

There’s no way out of this one. Either I comply or lose everything. Do I risk the husband I’m just learning to love or is this my breaking season?

Grab Your Copy Here:
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My 5 Star Review:

I don’t even know where to start with this review. Camden and Katherine have been my favorite since I started this series. They intrigued me in such a way, that left me speechless. 

These two have an unconventional romance, to stay the least. After learning Camden’s upbringing, my heart hurt for him. He’s cold and callous but then again, he’s not. He’s hardworking and loyal and he loves in a way that leaves you wanting more. It’s just a shame he doesn’t make that part of him known. Katherine on the other hand seems like the ultimate ice queen of the Upper East Side, but there is so much more to her that she keeps hidden from almost everyone. 

This story was angsty, and parts will make you want to scream. But I was always rooting for these two, from book 1. They are one of my favorite couples of the year. My heart soared as much as it broke. Camden and Katherine are THE couple of the Upper East Side!! 

I cannot wait to see whatever K.A. Linde has in store for the crew!!

Meet K.A. Linde
K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding Series, Wrights, and more than thirty other novels. 

She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. 

She loves reading fantasy novels, binge-watching Supernatural, traveling, and dancing in her spare time.

She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super-adorable puppies.
Visit her online at FacebookTwitter, and Instagram @authorkalinde.
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