Blog Tour: All My Life by Prescott Lane

All My Life by Prescott Lane Release Date: October 10, 2018
All My Life, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by Prescott Lane.
The beginning of any love story starts with the meet.
I’ve known Garrett Hollis since before I can remember, and I’ve loved him just as long. I loved him while he loved someone else. I loved him when he had a baby with her. I loved him when she left him.
The greatest of love stories is that between a dad and his daughter. I should know. I’ve had a front row seat. First steps, first words, all the big moments.
Garrett was just a teenager when Mia was born. I’ve watched him braid his daughter’s hair, hold her hand crossing the street, seen her asleep on his chest. I’m the best friend, the one they can count on for everything from dance lessons to motherly advice, anything they need. I’m their go-to girl.
The best part of any love story is the happily ever after.
But what if the happily ever after doesn’t include you?
All my life, that’s how long I’ve loved him.
Of course, he’s clueless.

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My Review:

My first read from Prescott Lane was an enjoyable one. All My Life was extremely well written, and I will absolutely be reading more from this author.

Garrett is an amazing father. While I thought this story would be one with a little girl, his daughter actually has just graduated high school. He’s raised her all alone, with the help of his small town, including his best friend Devlyn. Devlyn, of course has always been in love with Garrett.

It was a good story, although parts felt like Devlyn was being walked all over, and she just let it happen. I don’t really want to give too much away, but ultimately I enjoyed it and would recommend it. His friends to lovers romance was sweet and sexy in one.

As far as dates go, this one has been good. I like her. She’s attractive, funny, smart, seems to have her head on straight. All the boxes are checked. This should be the point where I kiss her, ask her out again. I should be devising ways to get in this woman’s panties, but instead I’m thinking more about yanking down the tutu of one very sexy Biscuit Girl. I should be thinking about how to get this woman to fall for me, but it’s me that’s fallen. I should have one thing on my mind, and I do — Devlyn.
There’s just one big ass problem. She’s my friend. I can’t go there. There are so many reasons why I can’t go there. The town would have a field day. We’d have no privacy. Everyone would have an opinion. If we broke up, where would I get a decent cup of coffee? How would Mia react to this? Then there’s Scott, who’s actually the least of my concerns. Devlyn seemed pretty sure it was over, and if it’s not, I plan on convincing her.
I don’t want to lose Devlyn.
Staying friends guarantees her in my life. Dating her doesn’t.
Love doesn’t come with a guarantee.
Love is a risk. I used to be a risk taker, but teenage fatherhood buried that part of me. Stability became the name of the game. It had to. I look towards her diner, wondering if she’s back.
About Prescott Lane: Prescott Lane is the Amazon best-selling author of Stripped Raw. She's got seven other books under her belt including: First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me, and The Sex Bucket List. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and holds a degree in sociology and a MSW from Tulane University. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life.

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