5+ Star Review:What Lies Between by BN Toler



At the core of it, life is a test—an opportunity to prove who we are; what we’re really made of. Short as it was, I’d like to think I lived my life well, that when people remember Ike McDermott, they remember he was a good man. When I look back, I’m proud of who I was.

Leaving behind the woman I loved was the hardest thing I’d ever done, and finding peace with the knowledge she was building a life with my brother after I moved on took a strength I didn’t know I had. But George and Charlotte were still alive. I wasn’t. Together, they forged on, and I was okay with that because I knew, one day, Charlotte and I would be reunited.

One day she would be mine.

All I had to do was wait.

Time works differently in the afterlife. Without any ties to the living, it doesn’t so much as slow, but stop altogether. There is no worrying about what is to come, there is only what is. 
I didn’t know if four days, or fifty years had passed when I found Charlotte by our tree in my corner of the other side. All I knew was she was here, and I would never have to let her go. I finally had my reward for the life I’d lived.

But I’d soon learn Fate had other plans, and everything I believed about who I was would be tested once again. Only this time, I wasn’t so sure I could stay strong.

This time, I wasn’t sure I could be a good man.

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My 5+ Star Review

6 hours! I devoured What Lies Between in 6 hours! I’m still trying to process all my emotions..

At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about this book being released. Where one goes is one of my absolute favorite books. When I read it the first time, I felt so many emotions. The ending was amazing and tied everything up so perfectly. So when I saw that this sequel was being written I had my doubts. 

I was lucky enough to be able to read an arc of What Lies Between. OMG! I feel so stupid for having any hesitations. 

What Lies Between is everything I never knew I needed. This book is an absolute must read. My heart was broken, shattered but ultimately put back together even better than it was before. 

I was so happy to get to revisit Charlotte, George and Ike. The introduction to newish characters was perfect. I feel like my words cannot do this book justice. I laughed, cried, felt anger, cried so more, and even a little more. But at the end, it was a great feeling to go through the roller coaster of emotions I did. 

I’d give What Lies Between 10 Stars if I could. Please do yourself a favor and read both of these books. My life, my heart was impacted so strongly and I’ll forever hold these books close to my heart

About the Author:


These are a few of my favorite things.

You can find me under B N Toler or
Author B N Toler most places. 

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