Release Blitz: Love Like Crazy by Magan Vernon


Love Like Crazy, an all new standalone Enemies to Lovers Romance by Magan Vernon is AVAILABLE NOW!

Friendship, Texas just got a little bit crazier with gruff Army veteran, Clay Carrington, and Q Ranch heiress Christy Quinn's world's colliding.
Vegas was a trip, and that was an understatement. An understatement I couldn't remember and that included the brunette in my bed. That is until my pounding headache had me getting up for a glass of water and I saw the marriage license on the ground. The words: Clay Carrington and Christy Quinn and holy matrimony staring me in the face. I came to Vegas to get away, and the bratty owner's daughter of the ranch wanted to come with. I didn't even like the boss's daughter, let alone want to marry her. I guess things the happened in Vegas had a way of following you home.
**This book is a standalone in a series of standalones taking place in the fictional town of Friendship, Texas. You don't need to read any of the previous books to understand this one***    


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My Review:

I really, really liked Love Like Crazy. Magan Vernon is a new to me author and I happy to have had there chance to read this book. Love like Crazy is Book 5 I believe in the Friendship, Texas series. It is a stand-alone and you do not had to have read the other books to enjoy this one.

Clay and Christy both work on Q Ranch, which Christy’s family owns. They are in Las Vegas for a convention, much to Clay’s dismay. It seems both find the other annoying and don’t want to spend any more time together that they have to. Or do they? After a crazy, drunken night in Sin City, they wake up in bed together, with a shocking souvenir. Their marriage certificate. They decide to return home to deal with their drunken mistake.

I read this book in one night! I couldn’t put it down. I’ve read drunken marriage books in Vegas before, but this one was different. The characters were unique and I can honestly say I’ve never read a book with a Mohawked cowboy before. Christy comes off as a spoiled, brat but underneath you can see hay things may not always be as they seem.

Since you see glimpses and mentions of characters from previous books, I plan to go back and read the first books. 

About Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amok around her Texas ranch.

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