New Release + Review: Campus Player by Jennifer Sucevic

Release Date: December 26

Trust me when I say that Rowan Michaels fever is 

alive and well at Western University. His fanbase is 


The guy is a major player.  Both on and off the field.

Girls fall all over themselves to be with him. They fill the 

stands at football practice, show up at parties he’s rumored to 

be at, and basically stalk him around campus.

It’s a little nauseating.

Don’t these girls have any self-respect when it comes to a hot 


Fine...I’ll admit it, he’s good looking. If you’re into that kind of 

thing. Which I’m not. I’ve got school and soccer to keep me 

busy which is exactly why I avoid him like an unfortunate clap 


Too bad for me that Rowan is my father’s star quarterback. He’s practically part of 

the family, attending Wednesday night dinners with us. To make matters worse, 

we’re in the same major and get stuck together in classes every semester. It’s like 

the universe is trying to play a cosmic joke on me. The one guy I’d like to steer clear 

of is the very same one I can’t seem to get away from.

But what if Rowan isn’t the manwhore I pegged him to be?

What if one little secret has the capability to change everything between us?

*This is a mature New Adult novel with strong language and sexual situations 

intended for readers over the age of 18*

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My Review:

Campus Player is the first book I’ve read by Jennifer Sucevic. I really enjoyed it. Her writing completely kept me interested. There was no parts that I felt dragged on. I found that there were other parts of the book that I was invested in, other than Rowen and Demi. But those other parts never outshined the couple, if that makes sense.

I loved that this was a dual POV. When we finally get to Rowen’s POV I already had made assumptions about him. He completely shattered them, because all is not what it seems with him. He’s just the sweetest, nicest guy. There is so much more that meets the eye. I liked Demi as well. I loved their banter together. 

I will definitely be checking out more of her books!!

Meet Jennifer Sucevic

Jennifer is a USA Today bestselling author who has published seventeen New Adult and Mature Young Adult novels.  Her novels have been translated into both German and Dutch.  Audiobooks are also in the works.  She has a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  She spent five years working as a high school counselor before relocating with her family.  Jennifer lives in the Midwest with her husband and four children.

Connect with Jennifer Sucevic
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