New Release + Review:Hard Pass by Sara Ney

Release Date: June 16

“Hard Pass.”
That’s what the last girl I slept with said when she got her first sober glimpse of me. She laughed, walked out of my penthouse—and I never saw her again. It doesn’t matter that I’m a rich, professional athlete; what mattered was my face. 

Beauty might only be skin deep for some—but I know better.

“Pay Up.” 
That’s what the last girl I spoke to said over the phone when I made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Desperate to sell a set of rare baseball cards, she’s clever and entertaining. I’m instantly smitten, but nowhere ready to reveal myself. Thank god she has no idea who I am—or what I look like. 

I’m a professional athlete--how hard can playing the love game be?

Grab Your Copy Here:
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My review:

I really, really loved Hard Pass. It’s a fun, rom com that had me completed hooked from the very beginning. Sara Ney has a way with books that just get me sucked in from chapter one. It was a quick read with characters that were super relatable. 

Noah was the sweetest, most down to earth, social awkward man and all I wanted to go to hug him. The way he’s been treated in the past by women is just horrible. Just because he doesn’t have what most people consider gorgeous, doesn’t give these women a right to ‘Hard Pass’ him. I loved Miranda. These two had such a quick connection. Their witty conversation drew each other in from the start. All without seeing each other. 

These two are super sweet and I loved them together. Sure, Noah has a teammate that’s super annoying, kind of a douchebag and has inserted himself as Noah’s best friend. Who knew he’d play a big part in their relationship. As annoying as Buzz could be, he’s highly entertaining and I found myself loving his character.

A great rom com that shows beauty is only skin deep, and that the nice guy deserves to finish first. Can’t wait until the next book in the series!  

Meet the Sara Ney

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British. 

Connect with Sara Ney
Facebook: saraneyauthor
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Twitter: SaraNey
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