New Release + Review: Exposed by Willow Aster


Exposed by Willow Aster is LIVE!!! FREE in KU!

A royal story set in background of conspiracies, manipulations and deceptions, Exposed is a whirlpool of intense emotions. The characters are beautifully broken. Their feelings are raw, gritty and incredibly terrifying. The story sucked me in and left its permanent mark on my heart.” ~PP’s Bookshelf

It was never a question of love.
I knew I loved Elias Lancaster and that he loved me.
At least I always thought he did.
But for some reason, he always found an excuse not to be with me.
The pain I felt as my childhood love rejected me, again and again, after promising me the world when we were kids…
Well, it just wouldn’t go away.
No matter how hard I tried.
Desperate times called for desperate measures, and I never wanted to be considered desperate, but I knew if something didn’t change soon, I’d lose Elias for good and die of a broken heart.
No one told me how many times my heart could break in the process.

Start reading today!

Catch up on the series with Downfall, book 1, and find out why readers are falling in love with this series!

My Review:

This is the first series I’ve read by Willow Aster. This is the story of Mara and Elias..

These two made me so frustrated at times. Mara was not an instant likable character. In fact in the beginning, I didn’t really like her at all. But the more I got in depth with the story I slowly saw the person she was behind the exterior she felt she had to put up. I really liked Elias. He did have some big issues that he kept so well hidden from everyone.

I love Willow Aster’s writing. She makes everything come to life. You feel like characters. Mara’s character was so well written. I cannot wait to read more of this series. While royals are not a unique trope this series is. I love the mix of characters!

  I lean in closer. “Be careful, your mask is slipping. You almost seem like the girl I grew up with right now.” I both love and hate seeing the real her. It’s driven me out of my mind that for years now, Mara has put on a mask around everyone but me. “Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea and see that you’re actually a caring person.” I lower my voice. “I have nothing to say to you.” The hurt flashes across her eyes but is gone within a blink. In my mind, I see her when she was ten, when she thought I was ignoring her for a week because my mother wouldn’t let me go play with the princess. She locked me in my room when I snuck out, not letting me out for so long I thought I’d die in that bedroom. Those were the dark days with my mother, the days I still try to stuff down inside. I’d give anything if I could erase them from my memory. The hurt on Mara’s face back then when I was able to go outside again but didn’t tell her where I’d been or what had happened…it’s the same look I saw just now. It’s these snapshots of us in my mind that make me turn back to her, make me think maybe there is a way…maybe we could have a chance.
The author is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card on her author page. Stop by to enter!
Willow Aster is a USA Today Bestselling author and host of Living in the Pages podcast. She lives in St. Paul, MN with her husband, kids, and rescue dog.
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