Blog Tour: Written With You by Aly Martinez

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“Aly Martinez is one of the best in the business. You have to read her books.” --Meghan March, New York Times Bestselling Author

Written With You, the emotional and highly anticipated conclusion to The Regret Duet from USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez, is available now!

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When I was fifteen, a single bullet changed my life. I spent the next decade trying to outrun the devastation of my past, building an empire that would shield me from whatever life could throw at me.
But all the money in the world couldn’t help me when I found a screaming newborn abandoned on my doorstep.
I’d never wanted to be a father. Passing the sludge that ran through my veins down to an innocent child seemed like a tragedy. But there she was—pink cheeks, red hair, and mine.
Somehow, against all logic, that little girl became the best thing that ever happened to me. It was impossible to stay lost in the past when I was the only one who could protect her future.
Which is exactly why, when her mother came back four years later, I was ready for battle.
If only I could stop myself from falling in love with her during the war.
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Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
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My 5 Star Review:

Speechless!! This book left me without words. Written with You was more than I could have ever hoped for in a conclusion to Written with Regret. That cliffhanger blew my mind. It was a twist that I never saw coming and I thought that was the only one in the duet. Man oh man was I wrong. 

After reading this book, I was left speechless. I loved this book more than words can say. Aly's writing is absolutely breathtaking. The Regret Duet has sealed itself has my favorite book this year! (Yes i know its 2 but I don't care if I'm cheating lol) There is no way not to be in love with these characters. Everyone is amazing, the storyline is truly unique. There is pain and heartbreak, but also love, healing and forgiveness. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this duet will be one I can't get out of my mind. 

If you haven't started reading these book, drop everything and get time. You will not be disappointed!!

Start the duet today with Written With Regret
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Every little girl dreams of the fairytale. The one where the white knight rushes in to save her from the clutches of evil. They fall in love, have babies, and live happily ever after.
By that definition, my life should have been a fairytale too.
When I was eight years old, Caven Hunt saved me from the worst kind of evil to walk the Earth. It didn’t matter that I was a kid. I fell in love with him all the same.
But that was where my fairytale ended.
Years later, a one-night stand during the darkest time imaginable gave us a little girl. It was nothing compared to the pitch black that consumed me when I was forced to leave her with Caven for good.
At the end of every fairytale, the happily-ever-after is the one thing that remains consistent. It wasn’t going to be mine, but there hadn’t been a night that passed where I hadn’t prayed that it would be hers.
I owed Caven my life.
However, I owed that innocent child more.
And that included ripping the heart from my chest and facing her father again.
About Aly
Originally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her husband and four young children.
Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, mystery leggings, and olives. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person.
She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side.
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