Release Blitz: One Knight Stand by Jessica Prince

What do you do when one night just isn’t enough?
One Knight Stand, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by Jessica Prince is Live!
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Sutton Briar has lived the past several years doing everything in her power to remain invisible. Boxy skirts?
Oversized tops in muted colors?
Yes please!
She learned the hard way that gaining the attention of the opposite sex could lead down a very dangerous path. She’s content to blend in with the wallpaper, but then her boss makes a request she can’t refuse for fear of losing her job.
Pretend to be the girlfriend of legendary musician, Camden Knight.
There’s just one problem. She can’t stand him… and the feeling is mutual.
Camden Knight spent years burying a crucial part of himself from the public eye. But when a one-night stand gone horribly wrong blows the lid off his secret, the only hope of repairing the damage to his reputation comes at the hands of a woman he despises.
They’re complete opposites in every way, but what starts as a fake relationship quickly turns into something neither of them expected. And what was supposed to be only one night leaves them both wanting so much more.
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My Review:

One Knight Stand is another great Jessica Prince book!! I was so happy to dive inside the rocker world just a little bit longer. 

I loved Camden when I met him in Defile, as Tatum’s best friend. In One Knight Stand we get so much more that that sweet guy. But, there is so much more to him that one would think. He’s so hot and sexy! Plus his family is a freaking hoot! I loved his mom so much! Paired with his nutty dad! So great! 

Sutton was a little bit cold at first, but once we got to see past her walls, you couldn’t help but like her. Her relationship with her sister and brother-in-law was so tight! Some of my favorite parts of the book were when they are there. 

One thing that did throw me a little was that Sutton’s POV was in first person and Camden’s was in third. It took me a few chapters switching back and forth before it felt more natural. Also, the use of the word cutie was used so much in this book. There were situations where that word felt out of place. But, that did no way take away from my enjoyment of the book.

I really, really loved their story. I was so happy he got his own book. Plus, an added bonus, we get to see a bit of the Civil Corruption boys!! 

ARC received for an honest review

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About Jessica Prince:
Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That's why God created central air, after all.
Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy--she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.
In addition to being a wife and mom, she's also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books--romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it's a passion...there's a difference. Not that she'd expect a boy to understand.
Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.
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