Now Live: Six Feet Under by Whitney Barbetti**Plus Giveaway

Release Date: April 25, 2018
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo Credit: Max Eremine


Six wasn’t the hero I needed.
But he was the man I wanted.
And it was my selfish craving, the desire to own him, that would be our undoing.
No one tells you that love is a disease. An infection that tears your heart apart, leaving you half the person you were before. A malady that leaves open wounds. An invisible disorder tracing scars in the places you couldn’t see if you weren’t looking for them.
I was sick, but love didn’t heal me.
Instead, it festered in my marrow, and drove me to unforgivable mistakes.
Six was my first mistake, but he wouldn't be the last.

Six Feet Under (Mad Love Duet - Book 1)

My Review:

5 Stars does not do this book justice

This review is a little hard for me to write. Not because it’s bad, not because I didn’t like it. But because I felt so much, loved it so freaking much, I’m not sure how to put by emotions in words. It’s been almost 2 days since I finished Six Feet Under and my heart is still hurting. 

I first met Mira a few years ago in Ten Below Zero. Even then I felt intrigued but her and this mysterious Six. When I found out they were going to have their own book I was ecstatic! That was a few years ago but still I’d think on the characters from time to time. 

Six Feet Under spans a 10 year time frame. We see the moment Mira meets Six and it follows their relationship throughout the years. Yes, there is a trigger warning, yes parts of this book might be hard for certain people to read, but it’s real, it’s raw, it’s heartbreakingly beautiful to read their story. I can’t remember the last time I cried, actual tears, while reading a book. Six Feet Under made me cry, heck, my eyes are watering now just trying to write this review. 

Read this book! Just read it. It’s beautifully tragic it’s their Mad Love and it’s one book you really don’t want to miss. I’m counting down the days until Pieces of Eight is here. 

I’ve waited YEAR for their story and Whitney Barbetti delivered a book that was well worth the wait. I’d give Six Feet Under 10 Stars if I could. My favorite read of the year.. 

Release Date: May 9, 2018
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo Credit: Alexander Kuzmin Photography


Six was always there, even when I didn’t want him.
But he couldn’t hold me together, and I couldn’t be his penance.
Loss is a phantom limb. No one can see it, but the ache torments you in the night, distracts you during the day, and leaves you fragmented. I’m half a heart, half a soul, and nothing could cure the pieces he’d left behind.
Losing him was safer than loving him. Because the love that kept us coming back again and again was nothing short of madness.
But then, isn't mad love the most honest?

Pieces of Eight (Mad Love Duet - Book 2) - available 5/9

About the Author

Whitney Barbetti is really, truly awful at writing in the third person, so we're just going to change this bio up a bit and write it as first person.
I am married with two boys. When I'm not changing diapers or cutting food into tiny bites, I escape to Starbucks for hours. My blood pressure actually drops the moment I walk in, hear the baristas call my name, and inhale the aroma of coffee beans. And I don't even like coffee.
I love music and have a playlist for everything. Queen is my very favorite.
I like watching creepy shows when I am home alone but then I instantly regret them once my mind starts breeding irrational fears. I try to channel my fears into my books as a way to cope.
I have about 20 bacon things in my fridge.

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