Blog Tour: The Hardest Play

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"The Hardest Play is everything I love about sports romance. A.S. Teague once again masterfully delivers a book full of heart that will surely stay with you long after the last page.”- L.K. Farlow, bestselling author

The Hardest Play, an all-new emotional new-adult standalone from A.S. Teague is available now!

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It’s easy to convince the world that you have it all.
I’m Quinn Miller­­––record breaking running back, professional football’s favorite rags-to-riches story, all-around good guy.
What’s not so easy? Repairing your reputation after mistakes both on and off the field leave you labeled as a disgrace to the league.
With only one team willing to give me a chance, I have no time for a relationship.
But after one night with Georgia Reed, the hopeless romantic with fiery red hair and an attitude to match, I’m hooked.
With Georgia cheering me on, it doesn’t feel like the world is against me anymore.
That is, until her father steps into the locker room as my new head coach.
Finding the woman of my dreams was the easy part; it’s keeping her that will be the hardest play of all.
Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
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My Review:

The Hardest Play is a book that I never knew I wanted, but now can’t imagine not having. It’s the third book in a series of standalones. While you don’t have to read the previous two books, it’s so much more enjoyable if you do. The series is about a group of college football teammates after they have already been drafted.

We don’t see a lot of Quinn in the previous two, but he’s easily my favorite. He’s gone through so much and some out a stronger person, even if doesn’t see it. He is the most loyal person. Dubbed a diva in football, he never lets anyone outside his right circle see what’s really going on. When he meets Georgia Reed again, the sparks are flying all over the place. With her he’s able to let go, at least temporarily, and just be himself and enjoy the time they spend together. Georgia is super likable. I love her. Her and her family are a crazy hoot. I loved when we get to meet them all. This is a must read. Quinn and Georgia go through their ups and ways low downs but the reward is that much greater. The writing is incredible. It was an incredibly wonderful and emotional read. I’m sad to see the series end but loved the way it did!



“Quinn Miller? Is that really you?” I turned, and my eyes landed on a face that I hadn’t forgotten. “Georgia Reed.” Her lips parted in a smile that lit up her entire face, and she jumped from the stool she’d been perched on next to where my sister had been sitting and threw her arms around my shoulders. “I thought I saw you walk in earlier!” I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave a quick squeeze before pulling back and looking her up and down. I’d met Georgia last year at my best friend, Aiden’s, Christmas party. Her brother was a famous orthopedic surgeon who’d saved Aiden’s knee after a devastating hit. The two of them had forged a friendship, and Dr. Hampton Reed had brought his sister along when he’d been invited to the famous Shaw Christmas Party. I’d seen her from across the room that night, unable to miss the gorgeous auburn hair that she’d let flow down her back. I’d walked over to introduce myself, but her green eyes had sparkled when she informed me that she already knew exactly who I was. I wasn’t sure what I’d said after that, probably something ridiculous and cheesy, but we’d spent the rest of the evening chatting. “How ya been?” I asked. She stuck the straw that was floating in a pink drink between her pink lips and lifted a shoulder. After a quick sip of a fruity cocktail she said, “Same old. What about you? I heard you’d been traded and was hoping I’d run in to you sometime.” I’d completely forgotten that the Reeds lived in Atlanta, where my new team was, but suddenly, that shitty trade that I was forced to accept didn’t seem so bad after all. “Hey.” I glanced over to where my sister was eyeing us, her lips pressed together to conceal what had to have been the biggest shit-eating grin ever and squinted at her before turning and looking back to where Georgia was still sipping her drink. “You know, I don’t know much about this town. You’re a local, right?” “That I am. Born and bred in the great state of Georgia. You know, my parents, they probably could have been a little more original when they named me.” “Any chance you’re free this weekend to play tour guide?” I asked, hoping that I sounded fun and flirty and not like the pathetic loser that I felt like. Jamie choked on a laugh and tried to cover it with a cough. I swung my head in her direction just as she covered her mouth and quickly looked away from my death glare. God, my kid sister was an asshole. I felt fingertips on my bicep, forgetting my stupid sister immediately when I glanced down to see the perfectly manicured yellow fingernails that were resting on my arm. “Let me make sure I am clear on what you’re askin’.” Georgia’s eyes were gleaming, and she stepped closer to me. “Now, am I going to show you the popular clubs and bars, the parks to take your dog, and the restaurants that cater to locals, and then you’ll thank me and we’ll go about our ways? Or is this tour going to consist of me taking you back to my place, and before I know it, your lips are on my neck and my dress is around my waist?” My mouth fell open and I sputtered. “I, uh, I, what?” “Well, you know at Aiden’s Christmas party, after you kissed me­­––” “Woah!” I stepped back, her arm falling to her side. “What are you talking about?” Her head shook back and forth. “I’m not sure if I should be insulted or not that you are this clueless. We had a drink outside around the fire pit, and then you leaned in and kissed me, remember?” “That is not at all what happened!” I fired back incredulously. I’d had a couple of beers that night, but I never let myself get so drunk that I would completely forget kissing the gorgeous woman standing before me. She frowned, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, and I couldn’t stop my eyes from watching the way she worked it. No, I would most definitely remember if my lips had tasted hers. “It’s not? Are you sure?” My eyes bugged out of my head. “I’m pretty sure we didn’t kiss. Think I would have remembered that.” “Oh.” She frowned. “Maybe that’s just what I hoped would happen.” Author pictureAbout A.S. Teague
A.S. Teague enjoys the warmth of South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. The stereotypes about peach cobbler and sweet tea are not overstated. After years in the medical field, she is now enjoying every minute of being a stay-at-home mom. She loves wine, the beach, wine on the beach, and crying at Disney movies. When she doesn't have a book in her hand, she can be found pestering her husband with pictures of animals she wants to rescue, as well as debating whether to exercise or take a nap.
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Blog Tour: Hate to Date You by Monica Murphy

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Hate to Date You by Monica Murphy
Release Date: April 7, 2020
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Hate to Date You, an all-new standalone contemporary romance in the Dating Series by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy.
Stella Ricci is bored.
Her overprotective family barely let her out of their sight, despite the fact she’s a grown woman. Yes, she loves her job at her family’s café and she’s the best barista in the entire Monterey Peninsula, but is that enough? She’s thinking no. But what else can she do?
Enter Carter Abbott. Burnt out after the never-ending grind of selling high end real estate in Los Angeles, he’s returned home, unsure of what to do next. He needs someplace to crash temporarily until he gets back on his feet.
It's easy for Stella to suggest Carter move in. Temporarily of course. It'll give her someone to talk to. The only problem?
That one night stand Stella and Carter had about a year ago. They never talked about it. They still don’t really talk about it. Despite the fact that the old chemistry has come back full force. Living together has made that obvious. Should they admit that one night wasn't enough? Or will dating each other turn into an epic fail?
Only one way to find out…
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Download your copy today!
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My Review:

I’m in love with this series! This group is friends is super loyal and fiercely supportive of each other. I love how they always try to lift each other up.

Hate to Date you was a joy to read. Carter and Stella have off the charts chemistry. It’s a little bit enemies to lovers and best friends brother romance. I loved it. I love the setting of these books. Carmel by the Sea is the cutest setting. Yes, I’ve googled pictures lol. It’s perfect! 

Monica Murphy has written another great addition to the series!

I’m in the bathroom applying one last coat of mascara to my eyelashes when Carter suddenly appears behind me, his gorgeous face looming over my shoulder. Of course, like the dork that I am, I yelp with a jolt when I first spot him, stabbing myself in the eyeball with the mascara wand. And like some sort of romcom hero, he rushes for me, his big hands curling around my shoulders and turning me around so I have no choice but to face him. Though I can’t even look at him, considering I’m bent over and holding both hands over my wounded eye. “Are you all right? I didn’t mean to scare you.” He sounds troubled. Which is good. He should definitely feel bad for causing my injury. Though really, I’m the one who overreacted and stabbed myself in the first place. “I’m okay.” I stand up straighter, still cradling my watery, stinging eye. “It only hurts a little.” “Drop your hand.” He turns away from me, snagging a tissue out of the Kleenex box that’s perched on the back of the toilet, then faces me once more. “Drop it,” he repeats when I still haven’t removed my hand. Reluctantly I remove my hand from my face, my eyelashes practically stuck together. I’m sure I look a mess and I swallow hard, reaching up to dab at the tender skin beneath my eye, but Carter bats my hand away. “Let me,” he murmurs as he brushes the tissue underneath my eye, picking up all the excess mascara. “Does it still hurt?” “A little.” He’s so close. I can see all of his eyelashes, and they’re thick and dark and don’t need a lick of mascara on them, the jerk. He’s freshly shaven, his face nice and smooth, and I sort of want to rub against it. Like a cat. “I’m sorry I startled you,” he says with the utmost sincerity. “I didn’t mean for you to try to take your eye out.” A soft laugh escapes me. “I’ve stabbed myself in the eye before with a mascara wand. I’m sure this won’t be the last time.” He finishes cleaning up the mess I made and then turns me so I face the mirror once more. “Now you’re perfect,” he says, squeezing my shoulders for the briefest moment before he lets go and exits the bathroom, heading straight into his bedroom. I’m shaken by the encounter and it takes me a minute to get moving again. Since the afternoon at my nonna’s house, we’ve been friendlier. Not so friendly that we fall into bed together, but friendly enough. Which is…nice. I don’t like having hostile feelings toward Carter. What exactly did he ever do to me anyway? Oh, he just rocked your world and turned you into a firm believer in multiple orgasms, then left you in the dust and never talked to you again. Right. He did that. And it sucked.
Meet Monica:
Monica Murphy is the New York Times, USA Today and #1 international bestselling author of the One Week Girlfriend series, the Billionaire Bachelors and The Rules series. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide. She is both self-published and published by Random House/Bantam and HarperCollins/Avon. She writes new adult, young adult, and contemporary romance.
She is a wife and a mother of three who lives in central California on fourteen acres in the middle of nowhere along with their one dog and too many cats. A self-confessed workaholic, when she's not writing, she's reading or hanging out with her husband and kids. She's a firm believer in happy endings, though she will admit to putting her characters through angst-filled moments before they finally get that hard won HEA.
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New Release + Review: Bachelor Boss

Release Date: April 7 

What is The Bachelors Club?
It’s a gentleman’s club—like the dignified men of the past used to have. Except, we’re not gentleman, and we’re not dignified.

We’re ineligible bachelors, bored, jaded and not looking for relationships. Quite the opposite actually. So committed to being single, we’ve created a high stakes bet to see who can remain single the longest…


Four days co-habitating in a shared work space shouldn’t be a big deal. It shouldn’t be distracting. But Spencer Standish saw me puking in a company trash can, and won’t let me live it down. Cheerful, aggravating Spencer, who wants me to fetch her coffee.

As if she’s the boss of me.

And now I’m stuck sharing her office.

Let’s face facts: I can’t be in a relationship; not when there’s a bet to win—not with Spencer, who loves my uncontrollable basset hound, lazy Sundays, and grilled cheese as much as I do. I refuse to fall for her.

will be the last Bachelor standing.

Grab Your Copy Here:
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My 5 Star Review:

This book is everything!! Sara Ney knocked it out of the park this Bachelor Boss. While I liked the first book in this standalone series, Bachelor Society, I fell completely in love with this second book. Phillip and Spencer’s romance was the perfectly written book. 

It was laugh out loud funny, super sweet. Spencer was super likable and a little quirky. Phillip is just the perfect mix of sexy and nerdy. The scene stealer? Humphrey, Phillip’s adorable basset hound. 

You cannot go wrong with this romcom. I loved it so much. Lately it’s been really hard to get in to any book, but this one will draw you right in and you won’t be able to put it down.

Meet the Sara Ney
Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.

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Facebook: saraneyauthor
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Twitter: SaraNey
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