Release + Review Blitz: Manhattan by Kandi Steiner

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Manhattan, a standalone in the Becker Brothers series, a small town, country, friends-to-lovers romance, is LIVE!
The fire... the guitar... THE FEELS!
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Everyone knows not to fall in love with your best friend.
But when your best friend is Michael Becker, it’s impossible not to.
He’s everything our town knows a Becker brother to be: devastatingly handsome, charming as a thief, and the icing on the cake — a sentimental musician who’s never without his guitar.
And he was mine. At least, that’s what I’d convinced myself.
Our bond was born in elementary school, strengthened by circumstance and the promise to always be there for each other, no matter what. And the best thing about my life was being friends with Michael Becker.
Until it was the worst.
I watched him fall in love with someone else, and helped patch him back up when she left him behind. But when he drops the bomb that he’s moving to New York, I realize it’s my last chance to tell him how I feel. And I ask him to make one more promise.
One summer. One list of adventures to remind him that our small town has more to offer than memories of the girl who left him behind.
One last chance to tell him I’m in love with him.
And I’m just dumb enough to believe that maybe he could love me, too.
You'll love this book if you love:
➔ small town romance
➔ country romance
➔ summer romance
➔ romantic mystery
➔ friends-to-lovers
➔ slow burn
➔ angst
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Download your copy today or read FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
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My Review:

These Becker boys have me completely in love with them! Their small town living is something that I’ve never experienced personally but have fallen in love with. These brothers have earned a soft spot in my heart. Their love and loyalty to each other is remarkable.

As much as I love all the Becker’s, there’s something about the youngest, Mikey that really touches my heart. Maybe it’s the way he got his heart broken or the fact that he doesn’t remember much about his father. But secretly, he’s been my favorite. 

Manhattan is a wonderfully written friends to lovers that is a definite 5 Star must read. Kylie has been in love with her childhood best friend forever, only to take a back seat when he finds love in high school. When they love is shattered Kylie is there to help Mikey pick up the pieces. When he wants to leave she’s the one that makes it her mission to show him the good and what he’s loved about their town.

Kandi Steiner hasn’t let me down once on her writing. Her words will touch you right down to your soul. She’s the queen of angst for this reason. I loved this slow burn romance so much!

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About Kandi:
Kandi Steiner is a bestselling author and whiskey connoisseur living in Tampa, FL. Best known for writing “emotional rollercoaster” stories, she loves bringing flawed characters to life and writing about real, raw romance — in all its forms. No two Kandi Steiner books are the same, and if you’re a lover of angsty, emotional, and inspirational reads, she’s your gal.
An alumna of the University of Central Florida, Kandi graduated with a double major in Creative Writing and Advertising/PR with a minor in Women’s Studies. She started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a diehard hopeless romantic, and likes to highlight all the challenges of love as well as the triumphs.
When Kandi isn’t writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys live music, traveling, anything heavy in carbs, beach days, movie marathons, craft beer and sweet wine — not necessarily in that order.
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Cover Reveal: Focused by Karla Sorensen

Title: Focused
Author: Karla Sorensen
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2020 Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs Photographer: Regina Wamba

If you've ever seen your teenage crush ten years later, and he turns out to be a complete jerk, then you know how Molly Ward feels. 
The last time she saw Noah Griffin was the regrettable day that she decided to climb into his bedroom window and turn her unrequited crush into something more. 
That day was bad enough, but things are about to get worse. 
Noah has become one of the best football players in the country, and he’s just landed on Molly’s front step. 
As a new addition to the Washington Wolves roster, Noah's presence is the key to Molly’s promotion in the front office. 
The problem is, Noah wants nothing to do with Molly, and his surly attitude is making her job very difficult. 
But he's got another thing coming if he thinks Molly will be intimidated by one grumpy football player, no matter how much he hates being around her. 
Once these two go head to head, their mutual dislike explodes into undeniable chemistry. But with what they have at stake, they just might detonate everything else along with it.

Well, let’s see ... I’m a wife and a mother. If the things that I write bring a smile to someone's face, then I've done my job. I am obsessed with Outlander (both the books and the show). I’m almost exclusively a romance reader, which means some people will never consider me a literary snob. If I could meet one historical figure, it would be Jane Austen. I received my Bachelors in Public Relations and worked in health care marketing before I had my babies. I hate Twitter. I do it, but I hate it. Also, if you want to get on my good side, bring me wine and I'll love you forever.

Blog Tour: Enemies by Tijan

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“Enemies to lovers is one of my most favorite romance set ups. The two are a match made in sexy, angsty heaven.” -- Jay Crownover, New York Times bestselling author

Enemies, an all-new emotional, enemies to lovers romance from New York Times bestselling author Tijan, is available now!

Gorgeous and charismatic, he became the town’s football god, while I became the town’s invisible girl.
He went to a Division 1 school for football, while my father was fired by his father.
His team won the National Championship, while my mother died the same day.
He was a first round pick for the NFL ...
… while I made the worst decision of my life.
Now I’m in Texas trying to pick up the pieces of my life.
But, Stone is here.
Stone is everywhere.
It doesn’t matter that disaster has struck my life again.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the one trying to console me.
It doesn’t matter that he’s the nation’s newest football obsession.
Because for me, he always has been and always will be my enemy.
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Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
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My Review:

Another Tijan book that I’ve enjoyed. I always love a good enemy to lovers story and Enemies was a great one! 

Dusty is new to Texas, having transferred from a community college. Also in her town? Her childhood best friend that she can’t stand. One more thing about him? He’s a hotshot football player in this football crazed town. 

I loved Dusty. She’s been through so much in her short life and has vowed not to keep her down. My heart went out to her. When you think it can’t get any worse, it does. When even more tragedy hits her, she is reluctant to accept the help from him. Stone was there for her at every turn. Giving her tough love while being

Caring and supportive as well.

Such a great book. I love sports romances and Tijan has written a great one about two souls that were always meant for each other.

“Do not think I won’t pick you up and throw you in my truck, head first and everything. I’m two seconds away.” I stopped and stared at him. Shit. He meant business. He was glaring at me with eyes that said, “Do not fucking fuck with me, you fucking twit.” Well. Then. I sighed. I’ll try reasoning instead. “You’re going to drive me to your house, and then I’ll pack whatever I need and call a cab to take me all the way back to where I’m paying rent. It’s not worth it. Just let me grab a cab now.” A savage curse bit out, and then his eyes flashed. His singular warning had been when he told me he was two seconds away. In a flash, he grabbed me, and I was airborne, right into the back of his truck. But he wasn’t done. He leapt up, grabbing the seatbelt over me, and pulled it around me, clicking it in place. He had the door shut, locked, and he was already going around the front before I could even push myself upright and then start to reach for my seatbelt. By then, he was inside, the engine on, and he shoved off into traffic. “This is stupid.” “You’re right. You’re being stupid.” Cursing, he ducked down as a car sped past us. They knew he was driving because they came up on his driver’s side, their phones up and ready to go. It was a car full of teenage girls. “Dammit.” “Where do you live?” He opened his mouth, then caught himself. His eyes narrowed in the rearview mirror. “Why?” I just smiled. “No reason.” He continued to study me in between still watching the road, and with a soft growl, he shook his head. “I’m not buying it. What? You’re going to tell those girls who are trying to get a picture of me?” “What’s the difference? I’ll know when you take me to your house. What’s stopping me from posting it on Twitter, or even posting your phone number?” A litany of curses spewed from him, and the back of his neck was getting red. I was having a heyday with this. It was more fun than I could remember having in a long time. Until he announced it, “I liked your mom.” “What?” “Your mom.” He moved into the far lane, settling back. I was thinking we had a bit of drive from here, and he settled an arm back on the passenger seat headrest. “I always liked her. She made me cookies and muffins. And I remember when she tried to teach us to bake cakes from scratch. You were horrible and your cakes tasted terrible, but we’d lie to you. Both of us.” “You did not—” But I was remembering, and even I hadn’t wanted to taste my cakes. A tug at my mouth. “She’d wear that ugly yellow apron. She hated that apron.” “What? I loved that apron. Always felt like it was sunshine. Made me feel warm, even in the winter.” I noted softly, “That’s why she wore it. For you.” His eyes lifted to the rearview mirror, holding mine a second again. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Yeah.” His voice came out raspy. “She was a good woman, and a good mom. She was a good wife. I could always tell.” I snorted. “Why? Because she wasn’t wasting away like yours?” Then, I winced. That sounded even bitchier to my own ears, more than I thought it would be. “Shit. I’m sorr—” “Because you guys laughed.” He kept on talking about my family, ignoring what I’d so blatantly pointed out about his own, his face hard. “My parents laughed when they were drunk, and only when they had a party. When there were other people there to laugh with, never the two of them, never the three of us. I was their only kid. I wouldn’t have known better except I half grew up in your home, too, and what I remember the most about growing up was that you guys laughed.” My throat burned. “Yeah, we did.” I looked out the window. A hollow feeling starting to dig in my chest. “Until she died. We didn’t laugh much after that.” “You laughed until then?” I nodded. I felt the chinks in my armor widening. I remembered how he did adore my mom. The two acted as if they were conspiring together during our baking lessons, and any time he was in the house. He congregated around her. She congregated closer to him. “You’re the son she never had.” Then, feeling bad about my shot at his mom, “Your mom cooked for us. I remember that one time she tried to teach us to make lasagna.” He cracked a grin, barking a laugh. “You sucked at that, too. I never knew lasagna noodles could come out hard like rocks until yours.” Fuck him, but I was grinning. I couldn’t help myself. Those were good times, good memories before the shit ones came. And they came soon after that lasagna disaster. He quieted. “It wasn’t the same. My mom versus yours. We had baking lessons at your house once a month, every first Sunday. My mom tried to teach us how to make Caesar salad, the only second cooking session she gave us, and that one we all got fine. It’s hard to screw up.” “Says you. You’re perfect at everything.” He didn’t reply. I didn’t expect him to. It was true. He knew it. I knew it. The entire nation knew it. Then from him, “Not at being a friend.” My stomach kicked. Hell no. No way. He wasn’t getting back in. No fucking way. “Oh. God.” I groaned, throwing a hand up to hit my forehead. “Can we not? Can we save the dramatics until I’m able to call a cab to take me back to my place? For real. Enough bonding or whatever it is we were just doing.” He growled, “You are such a goddamn bitch.” I retorted, “And you are such a goddamn prick. Drop me the fuck off!” “With fucking pleasure!” He gunned the engine, shooting forward in traffic, and weaving until we were nearing my exit. When he took it, I relaxed. The rest of the way was tense and silent, and I knew both of us couldn’t wait to be rid of the other. Then he pulled over to the curb. He didn’t make a move, his only action just unlocking the door. His head was turned halfway to me, his jaw clenching over and over again. Fine. I shoved forward, my head only swimming a little bit as I climbed out of his truck. Once I shut the door and turned around, he’d already hit the engine, tearing away from the curb. I only had the clothes on my back, on the side of the street, but I’d never been so fucking grateful to be away from him. Now, turning to the house I wasn’t sure I was still invited to live in, I saw that all the lights were off. Lovely.
About Tijan
Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and the Broken and Screwed Series among others. She is currently writing a new YA series along with so many more from north Minnesota where she lives with a man she couldn’t be without and an English Cocker she adores.
Connect with Tijan

Cover Reveal: Hot Shot by Robin Bielman

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He believes in fate…

Hotshot, an all-new second-chance standalone from USA Today bestselling author Robin Bielman, is coming January 30th and we have the steamy cover!

Here’s my plan: Crash through the ceiling of my family’s business to become the best hotelier on the West Coast. Nothing rattles me when it comes to a challenge and hard work, but when I spot my almost one-night-stand in my lobby, I’m thrown totally off my game. Alejandra is my dream girl. The one I can’t forget who got away—literally. Which might explain why I blurt out to my meddlesome, matchmaking grandmother that Alejandra is my date for her fast approaching and highly choreographed eightieth birthday party.
She’s been on pause…
Some decisions are harder than others, but agreeing to a date with Drew isn’t one of them. He’s a charming and gorgeous curveball I didn’t see coming, but the more time we spend together, the harder it is to remember to play it safe. I’ve made a promise, and even though I’m now torn, I have to honor it in order to move on from the past.
Drew feels like my future, but I’m about to put everything I want in jeopardy.
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Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon Worldwide:
Google Play: Coming soon!
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RobinBielmanAbout Robin Robin Bielman is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels. When not attached to her laptop, she loves to read, go to the beach, frequent coffee shops (and by frequent she means daily but she’s trying to break the habit), and spend time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons. Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. She writes with a steady stream of caffeine nearby (see above) and the best dog on the planet, Harry, by her side. She also dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. Keep in touch on social! Xoxo
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New Release + Review: Demise of a Self- Centered Playboy by Piper Rayne

You might be wondering how you’ll know when your playboy ways are coming to an end. For some it might be an unexpected pregnancy (ahem… you know who), for others it might be finally landing the one woman you’ve always wanted (cough… I won’t mention any names). For me, it was the death of my mentor and the subsequent reading of their will.

The signs were there, they always are. But I didn’t notice them until it was too late, and my demise was complete.

Demise Sign #1– You find yourself thrust into the land of responsibility and you don’t immediately hightail it out of town.

Demise Sign #2– Despite being stuck with the world’s biggest Jekyll & Hyde, some sadistic part of you actually enjoys spending time with her.

Demise Sign #3– Your family suddenly stops wanting to weigh in on every decision in your life.

Demise Sign #4– Somehow you end up being the voice of reason in your tumultuous partnership.

Demise Sign #5 –You start thinking of other people before yourself.

Demise Sign #6– You agree to put yourself in the middle of an Alaskan reality TV show that has both of you sleeping in the same tent. 

Demise Complete.

Get Your Copy Here:
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Amazon AU  | Amazon DE | Apple | Nook | Kobo | Google Play 

My Review:

Oh my goodness!! These Bailey’s really do something to me heart! Every time I begin a new book about this amazing family, it’s like coming home. They are so close and tight knit. The love and loyalty between them is so apparent. It is not necessary to read the other books in the series, but I highly recommend it. Each and every book is filled with lots of laughs and love.

This book centers around Denver. We watched his twin find love and I could not wait until we got to see Denver fall.. When Cleo enters the picture it’s apparent that he has met his match. 

I instantly loved Cleo. She was perfectly polished and stuck out like a sore thumb in cold Alaska..but there was something about her that made her seem a little lost and sweet. She has her stepsister with her to navigate through but it’s obvious that she’s still dealing with the loss of her father and the reason she’s in Lake Starlight. 

I loved this story. Anything with the Bailey’s makes my heart happy and gives me a huge smile. As always one book helps lead up to the next story. I cannot wait to get more the this family!

Piper Rayne, or Piper and Rayne, whichever you prefer because we’re not one author, we’re two. Yep, you get two USA Today Bestselling authors for the price of one. Our goal is to bring you romance stories that have "Heartwarming Humor With a Side of Sizzle" ( caught us, that's our tagline). A little about us... We both have kindle’s full of one-clickable books. We're both married to husbands who drive us to drink. We're both chauffeurs to our kids. Most of all, we love hot heroes and quirky heroines that make us laugh, and we hope you do, too.

Blog Tour: No Whisk No Reward by Ellie Kay


No Whisk, No Reward, an all new romantic comedy with twists and turns from Ellie Kay, is available now!

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How do you know if a risk is worth taking? If you knew, there wouldn’t be any risk.
Following a disastrous appearance on a televised baking show, Sophie Copeland is certain things can’t get any worse. Several calamities later, Sophie finds herself in Green Valley, Tennessee with no plan, no place to stay, and no prospects. But at least she has a temporary seasonal arrangement with the famed Donner Bakery. And that's something, right?
It's not permanent, and it's not a home, but it's still something.
Enter Joel Barnes, a Green Valley mystery, wrapped in rumors, and a whispered connection to the local notorious biker gang. Joel’s got a name for being bad news, but he also has an apartment for rent.
Intrigued by the dichotomy of Joel’s reputation and sexy southern pull, Sophie can’t help but be tempted, even though she knows—given her (bad) luck—she should stay far, far away. . .
Yet as everyone knows, without risk, there’s no reward.
'No Whisk, No Reward' is a full-length contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book#3 in the Donner Bakery series, Green Valley World, Penny Reid Book Universe.
Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
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My Review:

I love these Smartypants romance books. I’ve been introduced to so many new authors . Ellie Kay is

A brand new to me author. From this

Book alone I can say I love her writing. 

No whisk no reward was such a fun book to read. Getting back to the dinner bakery was great. I love these characters. 

Joel and Sophie had instant attraction but didn’t rush into anything. Their romance was a slow simmer. Sophie with her sass, especially when she encountered resident Iron Wraith, Catfish, had me laughing out loud. Joel has a quietness and just seemed lonely. It made me feel for him so much.. 

I read this book in one sitting, I enjoyed it so much!! The friendship in this story was great.

That’s when I saw Joel sitting alone in a booth by a large window, eating a sandwich, and reading a newspaper. Oh. Hello, conflicted feelings. You’re looking extra conflicting today. Did you do something with your hair? His gorgeous brown hair was a mess and the sleeves of his gray shirt were pushed up revealing his forearms which looked even thicker than I remembered them being, as he worked to fold the gigantic pages of the newspaper into neat manageable folds. This man was seriously hotter than a melting ice-cream analogy. And also, possibly involved with a crime organization! I reminded myself as I continued to stand uselessly trying to find somewhere to sit. I tried not to stare, but it was impossible not to smile at the indelicate way he shoved the corner of his sandwich into his mouth and then proceeded to chew as though it might try to escape. He picked up his coffee and was mid-sip when his eyes rose up from the rim of his cup and saw me standing by the entrance staring at him. Busted. “Take a seat wherever you can find one, hon, I’ll be along shortly to take your order,” a lady with a nameplate that read Janice, instructed me as she hurried by with a tray of coffee and doughnuts. I looked back over at Joel who was watching me and gestured to the empty seat across from his. My mind immediately went to Joy and Tempest’s reaction when they found out he was my landlord, but I quickly reminded myself that he’d done nothing to warrant any rudeness on my part. Despite their apprehension, I figured this was a good opportunity to try and get more insight into whether I thought their response carried any weight. Plus, I really needed coffee. I made my way over, feeling his eyes on me as I crisscrossed around tables while trying to be ever vigilant of any sudden movements from other patrons. My good sense will not be thwarted by your blue-green eyes and frowny brows, you magnificent biker beast. “Good afternoon,” he greeted in a smooth as hot honey drawl. I was glad that I was already halfway into the seat because I felt my knees completely give out. Traitor knees. My armor of detachedness was not as hefty as I’d hoped. “Taking a break from work?” I inquired, proud of my cool, even tone. “Yep, just grabbing something to eat. You?” “I’m done for today,” I replied reaching for a menu and unfolding it as though it were just as informative as his newspaper. “Nice. Got any plans?” “Not really, I was going to check out the bookstore downstairs, but that’s about—” I was interrupted by the feeling of fingers gently stroking my cheek and looked up to find him reaching across the table, his eyes focused on a spot as he gently swiped at something on my face. “Sorry, you got flour or something on your cheek it was driving me crazy,” he said before pulling away and leaning back coolly against his seat. I’m gonna get thwarted, aren’t I?
About Ellie Kay
Ellie Kay is an Australian born living in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada who honed her creative writing skills in the colorful, and imaginative world of Corporate Insurance.
Socially awkward, she loves to respond to theatre ticket vendors who say, “enjoy the movie” with, “Thanks, you too,”, but she also likes to cook, travel and spend time with her partner and cat Taako.
Ellie is on a mission to help change the stigma surrounding the Romance genre and hopes to see a day when they are no longer considered “guilty pleasures,” but rather, just a pleasure.
Connect with Ellie Kay
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Blog Tour: Crime and Periodicals by Nora Everly


Crime and Periodicals, an all-new sweet and swoony romance from Nora Everly, is available now!

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In Green Valley, Tennessee everybody knows everybody, but nobody knows Sabrina Logan.
Sabrina has been hiding in plain sight for years. Living her life inside of books, dutifully helping her family, and hoping no one will notice her. So far? Mission accomplished!
Yet when sexy—and distrustful—sheriff, Wyatt Monroe returns to town with his daughters, he definitely notices the quiet librarian everyone else overlooks. The single dad can’t seem to shake thoughts of shy Sabrina. Without quite understanding the impulse, Wyatt makes his mission finding her again, so he can . . . well, he’ll just have to reckon with that later.
What Wyatt discovers is a woman who trusts too easily, but who’s afraid to live. Trust doesn’t come easily to Wyatt. But living? That’s never been a problem.
And he’d sure like to show her how.
'Crime and Periodicals' is a full-length contemporary romantic comedy, can be read as a standalone, and is book#2 in the Green Valley Library series, Green Valley World, Penny Reid Book Universe.

My Review:

Omg! This book just blew me away! I was completely addicted from page one! Sabrina was super shy and the definition of an introvert. I adored her. She took care of her late sisters children with her dad and she completely excelled at it. The scenes with her and Harry were completely heartwarming and such a joy to read. I’m all honestly I could have read a book with just her and her niece and nephews and been completely satisfied . That is how much I loved these characters. Her teenage nephew Weston was a dream. So caring and mature, he loved his aunt and brother and sister something fierce. Ruby was sassy and so freaking funny. The compassion to Chandler Bing had me laughing out loud. 

Of course this is a romance book, so of course there is a big, strong sexy man. Wyatt did not disappoint. A deputy sheriff and single dad, Wyatt was so perfect for Sabrina. Their attraction was immediate but it wasn’t a cliche insta love.

I loved their story so much. Green Valley is my favorite place to visit and I can’t get enough!

Download your copy today or available in Kindle Unlimited!
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“Wow, he can dance,” I observed. I gasped when Wyatt’s hand on my waist slid up my side then up the underside of my arm to take my hand from his shoulder and link our fingers together. It was just like in Dirty Dancing, except I was facing him instead of away like in the movie. His grin grew a little bit wicked right before he used both of my hands to turn me. His front was now at my back with our arms crossed in front of us. I felt his warm, hard body behind mine and I felt…way too much. Tingles covered every square inch of me. The air felt different against my skin; I was burning up. His chin dipped low to rest on my shoulder. “Are you okay?” he whispered into my ear. His breath ruffled the hair against my neck, and I shivered. “Yes,” I whispered. Then I nodded in case he didn’t hear me. I felt his stubbled jaw graze the side of my face and I began to experience heretofore unknown feelings. My perception of what was possible for my life shifted. My brain had disengaged, and I floated along on pure sensation. We rocked side to side like that—closer than I’d ever been to anyone in my life. His chest rose and fell against my back as his arms tightened around me and he sighed against my hair. The last of my conscious thoughts dissolved and I succumbed to pure feeling. His body moving against mine became my world. His hands in mine kept me tethered, lest I float away on this cloud of sensation that was gradually becoming overwhelming. I had never felt anything like this. I never even thought feelings like this were possible in real life. In romance novels, sure. But to feel such contentment laced with giddiness right now was something I had not expected. Before I could succumb to the spreading tingles and dwindling brain power and embarrass myself, he raised our arms up high and twirled me around and around underneath them. I giggled and squealed. Apparently, I was that girl—a squealy, laughing, girly girl. But maybe we were all that girl in the right circumstance. He was right. I did not need to know how to slow dance when I was with him. We danced close; so close his knee was between my legs. I delighted at the feel of his soft, warm skin when he placed one of my hands on the back of his neck. He moved his free hand low on my waist, hooking his thumb in my belt loop to guide me in slow, small circles over our spot on the dance floor, then back and forth using his hands to push me out and pull me back into his body. He coaxed me where I needed to go. I felt weightless and graceful. The whole bar and everyone in it disappeared until it was just us dancing together, bathed in the moonlight filtering in through the high windows, and the little lights—so much like stars—illuminating the dance floor with their tiny rays. As the song ended, he spun me out and then back up against his body to dip me low with his arm wrapped tight around my waist. He grinned down at me with those gorgeous lips and beautiful chocolate brown eyes and I—I would never forget this moment—not ever.
About Nora Everly
Nora Everly is a lifelong bookworm. She started reading the good stuff once she grew tall enough to sneak the romance novels off the top of her mother’s bookshelf and it has been non-stop ever since.
Once upon a time she was a substitute teacher and an educational assistant. Now she’s a writer and stay at home mom to two small humans and one fat cat.
Nora lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family and her overactive imagination.
Connect with Nora Everly
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Blog Tour: Insatiable by Melanie Harlow

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“Absolute magic!”

—Helena Hunting, New York Times bestselling author

Insatiable, an all-new fun and flirty friends to lovers romance from USA Today bestselling author Melanie Harlow is available now!

Insatiable AMAZON
I didn’t mean to see him naked--it was an accident.
It had to be, right?
Because Noah McCormick and I have never been anything more than friends. In all the years I’ve known him, he’s never once laid a finger on me. And even though he was a cute lifeguard at 16 and a hotter-than-hell sheriff’s deputy at 34, he's always been that protective guy I could trust to keep his hands to himself. I never wanted to mess with that.
Until I walked in on him getting out of the shower and saw his hard, muscular body totally bare and dripping wet. At that moment I never wanted to mess with anything so badly in my entire life.
I should have covered my eyes. Said I was sorry. At the very least, I could have handed him a towel.
After all, I was only in town for a few days, and he was just doing me a favor by escorting me to my sister’s wedding. It wasn’t a real date.
But I didn’t apologize. And he didn’t cover up.
(Talk about a hot mess.)
After all those years of being just friends, suddenly we’re insatiable.
He’s made it clear he’s not interested in romance. Which is fine with me because
I’ve got a plane ticket back to my real life at the end of the week.
It’s all in fun...or is it?
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My Review:

I freaking loved this book!! Insatiable by Melanie Harlow is the perfect friends to lovers. Noah and Meg have had an almost 20 year friendship. It’s one of those friendships that they could go months without talking but pick back up like no time has passed at all. 

Noah is so sweet and protective of his family. He has the sweetest brother that has CP and their relationship will touch your heart. Meg is super career driven but after her latest failed relationship she begin to re-evaluated her life and priorities. She spends a week back at home and with Noah.

I loved how these two easily transitioned from friends to lovers. They fit together so perfectly. It’s just too bad they only agreed to one week.

Melanie Harlow’s writing is flawless as usual. She has a way with words that completely transport you in the story. Cloverleigh farms is one of my favorite places to visit. The stories with these wonderful group of women are so great to read. A fabulous 5 star read!!

Insatiable - Teaser 8 AN
Sawyer?” I said in disbelief. Breaking into a huge grin, she started to run. I was still standing there in shock when she barreled into me, throwing her arms around my neck. She smelled fucking fantastic. Feminine, sweet, delectable. “What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to hug her back without getting sweat or paint on her. “I thought you didn’t get in until Thursday.” “I changed my ticket.” She let go just enough to smile up at me impishly. “I’m glad to see you too.” I laughed. “I’m glad to see you. You just surprised me is all.” “That was my plan.” She stepped back, and I figured my odor was probably repulsing her. “I stink, sorry. I went for a run earlier and I never showered. Then I painted the garage.” “I never mind the smell of sweat. It means hard work.” She brightened. “Will you run tomorrow? I’d love to go with you. “Sure. We can run tomorrow. I’m off again.” “Great! Although I’m probably way out of shape.” She made a face. “My work schedule is so crazy, I don’t run as much as I used to.” “You look great,” I told her. And it was true—she did look great. Maybe not quite as skinny as the last time I’d seen her, but the added curves looked good on her. My eyes wandered without my brain’s permission to her slightly fuller chest and rounder hips. Quickly, I attempted to look at her face again, but then my gaze lingered on her mouth. I remembered what it had looked like the other night in my fantasy as she’d wrapped her lips around my cock and moaned like it was the best thing she’d ever tasted. My dick twitched beneath my running shorts, and I cleared my throat. “You’ve got a favorite murder? Is there something I need to know?” She glanced down at her shirt and smiled. “It’s a podcast about true crime. I’m addicted.” “Never heard of it.” A sound of exasperation escaped her. “You live under a rock! I can’t believe you’re still not on social media.” “Yes, you can.” “Okay, I can, but it makes it really hard to stalk you.” I shook my head. “People like you are exactly why I don’t want to be on social media.” She hit me on the shoulder. “I’m kidding! I just want to keep up with your life. I miss you.” “So come home more often. Talk to my face.” She grinned. “I do like seeing your face. Want to go grab a beer? Maybe some food?” “Sure.”
About Melanie
Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she's not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like VEEP, Game of Thrones, Succession, and Homeland. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak.
Melanie is the author of the ONE & ONLY series, the AFTER WE FALL series, the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, the FRENCHED series, and the sexy historical SPEAK EASY duet, set in the 1920s. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit.
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